

Everyday life can be toxic. We are all inadvertently exposed to harmful substances such as chlorine, herbicides, fluoride, pesticides, ammonia, mold and all sorts of carcinogens. We encounter some of these toxic agents both at home and at work. As we live our daily lives, these substances can build up in our bodies and blood stream. They can begin to affect our health and in some cases, they can even cause hormonal imbalances or allergies.
As you age, your heart function naturally diminishes. Emerging research suggests that this could be due to changes in mitochondrial function. Therefore, improving mitochondrial function may help to keep your heart stronger, even as you age.
Struggling with getting a good night’s sleep and don’t know how to fix your sleep schedule? Check out these helpful tips to correct your sleep schedule so you can reap the benefits of quality sleep!
Millions of Americans suffer with joint pain and most of them believe they have arthritis. But joint pain can be caused by numerous illnesses and conditions. Any type of chronic pain can take away from your quality of life and there are often no real cures. There are over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs, essential oils and other treatments, but to date, no one has really discovered a cure.
Maintaining a healthy weight can be a struggle, but add an aging metabolism into the mix and it can seem like an impossible battle. Keep reading to learn about nine powerful weight-loss boosters to incorporate into your healthy diet.
Knee pain, no matter the cause, can really put the brakes on the active, healthy, and adventurous lifestyle you want as you age.

Unfortunately, joint discomfort can be caused by a number of factors: excess weight, injuries, free radical damage, and even aging itself.

As we age, the “wear and tear” on the joints in the knee adds up — causing the natural cushioning there to wear down and lead to bone-on-bone friction, which causes discomfort. If you’re overweight, this can accelerate the joint wear and tear.
If you have a slow metabolism, you may feel like you’ve been cursed. You may describe yourself as someone who can look at a piece of cake and gain 5 pounds, or maybe you’ve tried countless diets and none of them really seem to stick.

Well, it’s not necessarily that your metabolism is slow. There could be a number of factors at play. What it all boils down to is how efficiently your body can transform food into usable energy, and if your body is able to access and break down stored body fat for energy.
Serotonin is known for its ability to stabilize your mood and help you get a good night’s sleep. It not only helps you feel good but has been linked to living longer.
The secret to strong serotonin levels is an amino acid called tryptophan. Serotonin supplements are synthesized from tryptophan. Studies have shown that people with depression, anxiety and mood disorders usually have low levels of

There’s been a lot of talk about inflammation in recent years and yet most people don’t really know what inflammation is, why it occurs or what type of damage it can do to our bodies. So let’s dig in! Let’s find out what we need to know to avoid this condition.

The human body is incredible. It has so many automatic systems that are designed to deal with various issues that our bodies might encounter. 

Discover how to improve working memory with these nine simple tips!

In this article:

  1. Smart Eating
  2. Exercise Your Body, Benefit Your Brain
  3. Stop Multitasking
  4. Prioritize Sleep
  5. Treat Your Brain to a New Skill
  6. Stick to a Routine
  7. Use Checklists
  8. Manage Stress
Your health is probably one of the most important aspects of your life. No matter how successful one becomes, nothing comes close to getting that all clear thumbs up from your doctor on your regular visit. Doctors recommend we exercise at least three times per week for at least 45 minutes per session.
Chronic pain has become a nationwide problem. In fact, it’s a global crisis. According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, about 1.5 billion people all over the world deal with chronic pain. It’s the most common cause of long-term disability in the United States and it affects about 100 million Americans.

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