
Circulation: Ways To Increase Blood Flow

blood circulation

It's common to hear people talk about their poor blood circulation, but hardly anyone ever talks about what they do to increase blood flow. Adequate blood flow plays an important role in your day-to-day life, and if you’re not taking the steps to address circulatory issues, you could find yourself dealing with adverse effects that come with it.

In this article, we’ll discuss ways to increase your blood flow with the best blood flow supplements, diet, and techniques so you can live life to the fullest and regain control over your health. 


  • Why optimal blood flow is important.
  • Things that affect circulation. 
  • How to increase your blood flow

Why Optimal Blood Flow is Important

From energy levels to heart and brain health, proper blood flow is responsible for keeping every single organ in your body functioning properly. 

If you work an office job, go to school, or take part in creative hobbies, proper blood circulation helps with focus. 

If you play sports or work in the trades, good circulation helps with endurance and stamina so you can keep up with physically demanding activities. 

“Circulation can also affect the immune system, as certain blood cells, carried by the bloodstream, help to fight infection,” says Marjan Moghaddam, D.O., a family medicine physician with Henry Ford Health.

Aside from helping you get through your day without experiencing extreme fatigue and uncomfortable tingling, optimal blood flow also helps mitigate the potential for more severe medical conditions like a heart attack or stroke. 

Common Signs of Poor Blood Flow

If your circulatory system isn’t getting the proper blood flow, you’ll more than likely experience some or all of the following symptoms associated with poor circulation:

  • Tingling and numbness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Slowed healing after an injury
  • Coldness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Swelling
  • Decreased vitality

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you should make an appointment with your primary care doctor to go over your circulatory system health. 

What Can Affect Blood Flow?

Many things can affect blood circulation. Causes can range from hereditary conditions passed down from parents, health complications that develop over time, emotional conditions, and the consumption of certain substances and foods.

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

PAD is a condition that causes narrowing in the body’s blood vessels and arteries. PAD is most common in adults over the age of 50

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged veins as a result of valve failure. These damaged veins can be found mainly on the back of your legs, and their inability to circulate blood as well as healthy veins is what causes poor blood circulation.

Varicose veins are an example of a hereditary condition but can be common in overweight adults and women in particular.


Obesity puts individuals at risk for other conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, all of which contribute to poor blood flow.


Smoking tobacco products introduces harmful chemicals into your body, damaging your blood vessels and putting you at higher risk for atherosclerosis. 

This is by no means a comprehensive list of causes, and many other factors contribute to poor circulation. A consultation with your medical provider is the best way to determine the root cause. 

How to Increase Your Blood Flow

While the reasons you may be dealing with circulatory system issues vary, the good thing about addressing poor blood circulation is that there are many natural ways to increase your blood flow. 


Establishing an exercise routine is an excellent way to increase blood flow to the body. Cardiovascular activities like biking, running, swimming, and walking help strengthen the heartand boost circulation.

Strength training is another great way to get the blood flowing and reduce your blood sugar while also helping with back pain. We highly recommend an exercise routine if you work an office job.


Dehydration can thicken your blood, making it harder for your circulatory system to pump it throughout your body effectively. Drinking plenty of water ensures that your blood remains at a consistency that promotes healthy blood flow and helps oxygen and nutrients reach the parts of your body they need for adequate daily functions.

Warm Baths

This is a temporary fix, but warm baths are a great way to kick-start your circulation. Warm water naturally expands your veins and arteries, allowing oxygen and blood to travel through your body easily. 

It’s worth mentioning warm liquids such as tea can help with this, too. 


A balanced diet rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and lean proteins reduces inflammation, lowers cholesterol levels, and keeps your blood vessels in healthy condition to promote proper blood circulation. 

If you’re dealing with poor blood flow, consider cutting back on highly processed foods, excessive salt intake, and unhealthy fats.


Tested blood flow supplements that are shown to contain essential amino acids alongside other super ingredients can help support healthy blood pressure, increase circulation, improve physical endurance, and help with concentration. 

Juvenon BloodFlow-7 has all the essential nutrients for improved blood circulation, which include:

  • S7TM: Green Coffee Bean Extract, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Turmeric Root Extract, Tart Cherry, Blueberry, Broccoli, and Kale. 
  • Nitric Oxide Precursor Blend: L-Glutathione, L-Citrulline, L-Arginine HCI, and Setria.
  • Beet root extract
  • Trans-Resveratrol 

Certain supplements can also help alleviate stress, another common cause of high blood pressure and decreased circulatory functions.

It’s a combination of the methods listed above that will be most beneficial to improving blood flow, but starting with one is better than nothing, and can help your lifestyle transition feel more manageable.

Get Your Blood Flowing Today

If you’re ready to take control of your health, you can count on these methods and the best blood flow supplements like BloodFlow-7 to give you an edge. With the right diet, supplementation, exercise routine, and regular health check-ups, you can start improving your health, one day at a time.

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